The school is located in a nearby small village, where we commuted by car every day. After a warm welcome, we toured the school, workshops and studios. Then we took a French lesson, where we got acquainted with the most used expressions and phrases. In the afternoon we visited the museum in Dijon, which is located in the Ducal Palace. In the past, it was the seat of the Dukes of Burgundy. We ended the day with an evening tour of the historic city. Over the following days, we designed and decorated ceramic plates on the theme of the Duchy of Burgundy. After the program at school, we also visited a company producing traditional Dijon mustard and a gallery in a former quarry.
We ended the working week by evaluating the burned works and handing over the certificates.
I rate this event as successful. Especially for pupils, in addition to the development of communication in the English language, it is especially beneficial to work with different ceramic materials and procedures than the ones they come into contact with at our school. Equally important and inspiring is getting to know other cultures and traditions, meeting and establishing personal relationships and friendships.